Observation of Gravitational Waves from Two Neutron Star–Black Hole Coalescences

Published | 2021 | ApJL - 915, June 29, 2021
S. Sachdev
Harvard University
Takahiro Tanaka
Kyoto University
D. J. Wilson
Kazuhiro Yamamoto
University of Toyama

Fractons from a liquid of singlet pairs

Published | 2021 | Phys. Rev. B - 103, February 01, 2021

Satellite-Based Photonic Quantum Networks Are Small-World

Published | 2021 | PRX Quantum - 2, January 08, 2021
Askery Canabarro
Daniel Cavalcanti
Rafael Chaves
International Institute of Physics, UFRN, Natal, Brazil

Ground-state properties of electron-electron biwire systems

Published | 2021 | Phys. Rev. B - 104, July 26, 2021
Klaus Morawetz
Münster University of Applied Sciences

Pseudoscalar glueballs in the Klebanov-Strassler theory

Published | 2021 | J. High Energ. Phys. - 2021, January 07, 2021