A network science viewpoint on the National Institute of Science and Technology of Quantum Information (INCT-IQ)

Published | 2022 | Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física (ONLINE), v. 44, p. e20220189, 2022
Rute Oliveira
Rafael Chaves
International Institute of Physics, UFRN, Natal, Brazil

A gravitational non-radiative memory effect

Published | 2021 | Gen Relativ Gravit - 53, March 02, 2021
Riccardo Sturani
International Institute of Physics

Tests of general relativity with binary black holes from the second LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave transient catalog

Published | 2021 | Phys. Rev. D - 103, June 15, 2021
S. Sachdev
Harvard University
E. Santos
Sao Carlos Institute of Physics

Constraints on Cosmic Strings Using Data from the Third Advanced LIGO–Virgo Observing Run

Published | 2021 | Phys. Rev. Lett. - 126, June 16, 2021
S. Sachdev
Harvard University
Takahiro Tanaka
Kyoto University
Kazuhiro Yamamoto
University of Toyama

Gauged Lμ−Lτ at a muon collider

Published | 2021 | Phys. Rev. D - 103, May 07, 2021
Werner Rodejohann
Max Planck Insitute for Nuclear Physics
Farinaldo Queiroz