Effects of short-distance modifications to general relativity in spinning binary systems

Published | 2021 | Phys. Rev. D - 103, April 19, 2021
Riccardo Sturani
International Institute of Physics

Semi-device-independent certification of entanglement in superdense coding

Published | 2021 | Phys. Rev. A - 103, February 25, 2021
George Moreno
Ranieri Nery
Rafael Rabelo
Rafael Chaves
International Institute of Physics, UFRN, Natal, Brazil

Approaching the self-dual point of the sinh-Gordon model

Published | 2021 | J. High Energ. Phys. - 2021, January 05, 2021
Robert Konik
Brookhaven Nat. Lab., USA
Giuseppe Mussardo
Laboratorio Interdisciplinare Scienze Naturali e Umanistiche, SISSA, Trieste, Italy

Open data from the first and second observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo

Published | 2021 | SoftwareX 13 (2021) 100658
Riccardo Sturani
International Institute of Physics

Fractons from a liquid of singlet pairs

Published | 2021 | Phys. Rev. B - 103, February 01, 2021

Semi-device-independent certification of entanglement in superdense coding

Published | 2021 | Phys. Rev. A - 103, February 25, 2021
George Moreno
Ranieri Nery
Rafael Rabelo
Rafael Chaves
International Institute of Physics, UFRN, Natal, Brazil