The academic project “IIF-FINEP,” coordinated by Alvaro Ferraz, is opening a selection process for scholarship recipients. The objective is to promote high-level studies, strengthen national research groups, encourage the inclusion of Brazilian and foreign researchers in postdoctoral stages, and support initiatives in basic education.
The academic project “IIF-FINEP,” coordinated by Alvaro Ferraz, announces the opening of a call for applications to select scholarship recipients who are currently faculty members at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Brazil. The program aims to support professors overwhelmed by teaching and administrative duties, which hinder their ability to conduct research.
The academic project "IIF-FINEP," under the responsibility of its Coordinator, "Alvaro Ferraz," in the exercise of its legal authority, hereby announces the opening of a call for applications for the selection process of fellowship recipients. The selected fellows will join the project with the aim of achieving its general objectives: to promote high-level studies, strengthen national research groups, foster the integration of Brazilian and foreign researchers in postdoctoral stages, and support initiatives in the field of basic education.
Click here to download the call for applications
We thank all forty applicants for their participation. Below is the link to download the PDF file with the ranking of candidates for the postdoctoral positions related to the selection process 01/2024.
Updated in September 13, 2023.
Processo seletivo de professores com experiência em olímpiadas e torneio de física.
Acesse o edital no link abaixo
IIP invites several long and short-term visitors every year. Visiting Professors are extremely important, so the Institute is able to create an exciting place that fosters collaborative work, discussions, and interactions.
We are very pleased to announce that the number of researchers interested in visiting IIP has been increasing over the years and in order for the Institute to properly consider all the applications and to manage its budget, we kindly ask the interested parties to send a research proposal and a CV to
Please, inform in the research project the tentative initial date along with the expected duration of the stay.
Stipends to cover all local expenses vary according to the candidate period of visit:
- Short term visitors will receive R$ 10.000, 00 (ten thousand Brazilian reais) per month; and
- Long terms visitors R$ 14.000,00 (fourteen thousand Brazilian reais) to cover all local expenses.
Travel expenses will not be cover by IIP.
To receive full consideration, the proposals must be submitted until April 15th for tentative visits occurring from July to December of the same year and until September 30th for tentative visits occurring from January to June of the following year. IIP may consider long term visit periods under mutual agreement.
The applications will be appraised based on:
1) Collaboration (or potential to start a collaboration) with members of the Institute.
2) Relevance of the research project and of past publications.
3) Participation in a workshop (priority will be given to the directors of the event). The budget, in this case, is divided with the event.
4) If you have visited the IIP before, please add to the documents a brief report of the last visit. In the report, please mention the developed activities, publications, comments, and suggestions.
If you require additional information or have questions, please contact us.