Wilson loop invariants from WN conformal blocks

Published | 2015 | Nuclear Physics B - , November 10, 2015

Modeling of dislocations in a CDW junction: Interference of the CDW and normal carriers

Published | 2015 | Physica B: Condensed Matter - 460,March 01, 2015
Alvaro Rojo Bravo
Tianyou Yi
Natasha Kirova
Serguei Brazovski
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques - CNRS, University Paris-Sud 11

Ingredients for an efficient thermal diode

Published | 2015 | EPL - 111, September 29, 2015
Shunda Chen
Emmanuel Pereira
Federal Univeristy of Minas Gerais
Giulio Casati
CNR-INFM and University of Insubria at Como