Integrability in three dimensions: Algebraic Bethe ansatz for anyonic models

Published | 2015 | Nuclear Physics B - 899, October 2015
Sh. Khachatryan
Alvaro Ferraz
International Institute of Physics - UFRN
A. Kl?mper
Ara Sedrakyan
Yerevan Physics Institute

Majorana entanglement bridge

Published | 2015 | Phys. Rev. B91, 214507 (2015)
Stephan Plugge
Düsseldorf University
Alex Zazunov
Pasquale Sodano

Colored knot polynomials for arbitrary pretzel knots and links

Published | 2015 | Phys. Lett. B 743 (2015) 71
Dmitry Galakhov
Rutgers University
Dmitry Melnikov
Andrei Mironov
Lebedev Physics Institute
Alexei Sleptsov
ITEP, Moscow

Thermoelectricity of interacting particles: A numerical approach

Published | 2015 | Phys. Rev. E - 92, June 19, 2015
Shunda Chen
Jiao Wang
Xiamen University
Giulio Casati
CNR-INFM and University of Insubria at Como
Giuliano Benenti

New likelihoods for shape analysis

Published | 2015 | Int. J. Mod. Phys. A Vol. 30 (2015) 1550039
Sylvain Fichet