Annual meeting of the IAC outlines goals for the IIP

Published Fri, Aug 18, 2023
Meeting in person for the first time since the end of the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the members of the International Advisory Council (IAC) of the International Institute of Physics of UFRN held their deliberations, between August 14 and 15, on the strategies that the IIP...

Prof. Dionys Baeriswyl condolence note

Published Thu, Aug 10, 2023
We are very sad to inform that our friend and collaborator, Dionys Baeriswyl, passed away last evening, August 9th. Right from the start, Dionys was enthusiastic about the idea of the establishment of the International Institute of Physics (IIP) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte...

The International Institute of Physics holds a seminar on Dirac physics in graphene

Published Mon, Jul 24, 2023
This Wednesday, July 26, the International Institute of Physics (IIP) of UFRN will host the seminar "Dirac Physics in Graphene: Scotch Tape-Induced Relativity, Chiral Symmetry Breaking, Magnetic Catalysis, Analog Holographic Correspondence, and More," presented by Professor Dmitri Khveshchenko from...

IIP-UFRN is promoting a workshop that will highlight the progress of frontier research in theoretical physics

Published Tue, Jul 18, 2023
Between August 14th and 18th, the International Institute of Physics of UFRN will host the workshop "Physics at the Frontier." The program will offer an overview of frontier research in theoretical physics, addressing new advances and promising directions for research in the area. Presentations...

IIP professor is elected to national coordinator for area of particle physics for the SBF

Published Wed, Jul 05, 2023
On June 20, the Sociedade Brasileira de Física (SBF) held the election of its new board, council, and area commissions, during which a new team of researchers was chosen to lead the institution's different fronts. The SBF stands out as the representative entity of physicists in Brazil,...

IIP-UFRN and Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation held a workshop in Natal

Published Tue, Jul 04, 2023
The International Institute of Physics at UFRN will hold the IIP-Natal WE-Heraeus Workshop on New Frontiers in Emergent Materials from October 23 to 27, 2023. This international workshop will be dedicated to recent developments in the area of theoretical and experimental studies of emerging...