IIP host workhop Quantum Non-Equilibrium Phenomena

Published Wed, Jun 01, 2016 | Tags: The event will also offer special talks to the local community
The IIP will host from June 06 to 18 the workshop “Quantum Non-Equilibrium Phenomena”, an international event that will gather scientists from Universities of the Americas, Europe and Asia to present the latest advancements in this field of research. The entire event will be hosted at...

IIP and DFTE-UFRN host special event for the Brazilian Physicist Day

Published Mon, May 23, 2016
The IIP and the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (DFTE-UFRN) held a joint event last May 19, to celebrate the Brazilian Physicist Day. During this special activity, the IIP auditorium was crowded with students, Professors and researchers from the local scientific community, who...

IIP and DFTE host special events to celebrate the Physicist Day in Brazil

Published Fri, May 13, 2016
The Brazilian Physics Society celebrates next Thursday, May 19, the national Physicist Day, a special date that honors the work of these scientists. The day is also a reference to the year when Albert Einstein published his work regarding his Theory of Relativity, 1905. This specific date is a...

IBM Puts a Quantum Processor in the Cloud

Published Thu, May 05, 2016
IBM announced today that it is making one of its superconducting quantum processors accessible over the Internet. Those itching to try out such hardware will be able to get hands-on experience through a new quantum computing platform—at least, the experience will be as hands-on as it can be...

IIP-UFRN hosts workshop on Fermi-Surface Topology

Published Tue, May 03, 2016
Fermi surfaces hold a special position in solid-state science, since most of the physical properties of bulk metallic materials are driven by conduction electrons. Indeed, the universal Fermi liquid properties that characterize normal metals at low temperature result from the existence of a Fermi...

Quantum Spintronics: Spin Transport Through Quantum Magnetic Materials

Published Tue, May 03, 2016
The field of magnon spintronics and the field of quantum magnetism have seen tremendous progress in recent years with many break-throughs in new concepts, new techniques, and new materials. Magnon spintronics has demonstrated electrical and thermal control over spin currents through magnetic...