IIP and DFTE host workshop on elementary particles

Published Wed, Feb 17, 2016
Starting February 23, Professor Dmitry Melnikov from the IIP-UFRN will start a set of lectures on elementary particles. This workshop is aim to grad students and will be presented in the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (DFTE), inside university campus. The presentations will take...

Gravitational Waves detected by the LIGO Collaboration

Published Thu, Feb 11, 2016
Researchers at the LIGO Laboratory (Laser Interferometer Gravitational - Wave Observatory ) in the USA announced today that they have successfully detected Gravitational Waves. They were able to find the waves thanks to the collision of two black holes at more than a billion light-years from earth....

New IIP building to be inaugurated in March

Published Mon, Jan 25, 2016
In its final adjustments, the new International Institute of Physics building inside the UFRN´s campus will be inaugurated next March 21, in the presence of illustrious guests from the national and international scientific community, academic faculty from UFRN and government officials. The...

Workshop “Physics and Mathematics of Complex Systems: Growing Interfaces, Nonlinear Dynamics, Integrability”

Published Tue, Jan 12, 2016
The International Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (IIP-UFRN) will host from April 04 to 15, 2015 the Workshop “Physics and Mathematics of Complex Systems: Growing Interfaces, Nonlinear Dynamics, Integrability”, an event dedicated to bringing...

New law for researchers in Brazil

Published Tue, Jan 12, 2016
Last January 12, during the CNPq/ MCTI 2016 Universal Open Call, President Dilma Rousseff signed a new law in that will allow scientists to carry out research in the privet sector, while maintain their positions in public universities in Brazil. The government hopes to bust the potential of...

A van der Waals Tuning Knob

Published Wed, Dec 02, 2015
By Michael Schirber, from Physics APS The van der Waals attraction occurs when two objects come close enough to induce an electric polarization in one another. Researchers have now demonstrated a way to tune the van der Waals force exerted by graphene on a molecule. The technique, which is based...