Pesquisadores alertam para o perigo da saída precoce da quarentena

Published Fri, May 08, 2020
Modelos mostram que ignorar o isolamento neste momento poderia anular todos os ganhos dos primeiros dias de quarentena e colocar as cidades que ainda não atingiram o pico da contaminação em um colapso dos sistemas de saúde nas próximas semanas Com um crescimento...

IIP-UFRN program in the Virtual March for Science

Published Wed, May 06, 2020
The Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC), will hold this Thursday, May 7, the Virtual March for Science throughout Brazil. The event will bring together different institutions linked to the Center of Technology and Innovation (CT&I) with activities carried out by social networks...

Fundamental Aspects of String Theory Workshop in Remote Format

Published Fri, Apr 17, 2020
The International Institute of Physics of UFRN will host between June 8 and 12, 2020 a scientific event in a different format than it has been doing in recent years. The Fundamental Aspects of String Theory workshop, which would initially be held in the IIP-UFRN auditorium, will have its...

COVID 19 - Modeling Infection Dynamics

Published Tue, Apr 14, 2020
As in many countries, the explosion of COVID-19 infection causes enormous concerns. In some countries the health systems have collapsed. Most of the governments recommend social isolation as a necessary attitude to flatten the curve of infection. However, in Brazil, some politicians do not consider...

IIP working hours during the COVID-19 quarantine

Published Fri, Mar 20, 2020
Following the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and considering the suspension of all academic activities at UFRN caused by the pandemic of COVID-19, we announce that IIP's administrative staff will not be in the building during the pandemic. As previously communicated by UFRN and...

Postdoctoral positions in the quantum information group at IIP-UFRN

Published Mon, Mar 16, 2020
The IIP-UFRN opens a call for postdoctoral positions in the quantum information group led by Prof. Rafael Chaves, offering a competitive salary and travel budget, via the Grant Q-CAUSAL No. 61084 from John  Templeton Foundation and as part of the UFRN-FUNPEC project number 92017. The selected...