PASCCO school for students takes place this month

Published Tue, Sep 08, 2020
From October 12th to the 16th, the PASCCO physics school (Particles, Astroparticles, Fields and Cosmology) occurs, a virtual event for high school students with an interest in careers in physics and undergraduate physics. The program will feature lectures by several scientists from...

LIGO / Virgo collaboration announces the detection of the largest black hole collision ever detected

Published Wed, Sep 02, 2020
On May 21, 2019, the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors observed a gravitational wave signal emitted from an extraordinary double black hole fusion. The signal, called GW190521, was the shortest and had the lowest frequency content ever detected. The time for which the signal is visible on...

IIP researcher publishes article in the Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper

Published Mon, Aug 31, 2020
The research leader of the Quantum Information group of the International Physics Institute at UFRN, Professor Rafael Chaves, published an article in the Folha de São Paulo newspaper last August 20th. The article "The most famous exorcism in physics", deals with a creature imagined by...

Mathematical Structure of Particle Collisions Comes Into View

Published Thu, Aug 27, 2020
Recently published papers from a research group at the University of Padua (Italy) have revealed an underlying mathematical structure in the equations for models in particle physics. The work provides a new way of collapsing interminable terms into just dozens of essential components. Their method...

Entanglement entropy of a particle coupled to an electromagnetic field

Published Fri, Aug 21, 2020
Named by one of the founders of Quantum Mechanics, Erwin Schrödinger, entanglement is the distinctive feature of quantum systems. It accounts for the apparent paradoxical fact that in a quantum system the best knowledge of the state of the whole system (particle+electromagnetic field in our...

IIP researchers participate in international proposal for the construction of a new particle collider

Published Tue, Aug 18, 2020
A research group at the International Physics Institute of UFRN is participating in an international proposal for the creation of a new particle collider, which may provide answers to some mysteries of modern science, especially that of dark matter. The new detector would function as part of the...