Spins that contradict Landau

Published Fri, Jun 10, 2022
A new work developed by researchers from the Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems group at IIP-UFRN and motivated by the study of the different ways in which the time reversal symmetry can be broken in a system of interacting spins presents a model of a spin chain that contains both a magnetic...

IIP-UFRN holds virtual seminar with Igor Klebanov

Published Thu, Jun 02, 2022
The International Institute of Physics at UFRN will hold on June 6th the virtual seminar “Strong Interactions, Confinement, and Strings”, presented by Prof. Igor Klebanov, a researcher at Princeton University. The event will start at 2 pm, with live broadcast on...

Experimenting with quantum cause and effect

Published Tue, May 31, 2022
A research project developed by IIP’s physicist, Prof. Rafael Chavesx and Dr. Davide Poderini, in collaboration with scientists from Germany, Italy and Poland, explores questions about cause and effect in the quantum world. In the paper “Experimental test of quantum causal...

IIP-UFRN holds a special seminar on Higher Education

Published Thu, May 26, 2022
This Friday, May 27, the International Institute of Physics at UFRN will hold a special event on the future of teaching and the role of universities in Brazil and in the world. The virtual seminar “Transformations of Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Universities” will...

IIP-UFRN holds a virtual seminar with Prof. Guilherme Pimentel

Published Thu, May 26, 2022
Professor Guilherme Pimentel, researcher at the Scuola Normale Superiore (Italy), is the guest of the next edition of the series of virtual seminars of the International Institute of Physics at UFRN, which will be held on May 30, from 2 pm, with broadcast to the live at www.youtube.com/iiptv. In...

IIP-UFRN holds virtual seminar with Dmitry Efetov (LMU)

Published Fri, May 20, 2022
The International Institute of Physics at UFRN will hold on May 23 the virtual seminar “Plethora of Many-Body Ground States in Magic Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene”, with Professor Dmitri Efetov, from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU-Munich) . The event, which is organized in...