Postdoctoral position - FAPESP fellowship

Published Fri, Mar 11, 2022
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral scientist position starting between July and September/2022 in the group of Professor Vivian França at UNESP Araraquara, Brazil.     The postdoc will do theoretical research on nontrivial condensed matter nanomaterials, in...

Physicists gathered to form new collaborations

Published Wed, Feb 23, 2022
The second edition of Quantum Retreat, an event held between January 24 and 28, 2022, brought together researchers at the International Institute of Physics at UFRN and Brazilian and foreign institutions to exchange ideas in various fields of physics work. The assembled scientists were invited to...

IIP researcher comic strip is dramatized in podcast

Published Thu, Feb 03, 2022
The HQ “Particuleiro Nordestino”, created by Professor Farinaldo Queiroz, who is a research leader in Particle and Astroparticle Physics at the IIP-UFRN was featured in the podcast “Peças Raras”. One of the Professor's comics strips was dramatized for a special...

Quantum Retreat 2022

Published Mon, Jan 24, 2022
This Monday, January 24th, the Quantum Retreat 2022 begins at the International Institute of Physics at UFRN, a program that brings together researchers linked to its Quantum Information Group to discuss recent developments in research and share experiences in the area. In addition to Group...

Quantum spin liquids detected

Published Fri, Dec 17, 2021
A new phase of matter, known as quantum spin liquids, was detected by a team of researchers from Harvard University (USA), Innsbruck (Austria) and the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (Austria), using quantum computers in their work. The equipment works based on cold atoms,...

Could dark matter be hidden in a cloud of bosons?

Published Thu, Dec 09, 2021
Since the beginning of its activities, the LIGO-Virgo-Kagra collaboration has revealed more clearly how our Universe works, as well as raising new questions for physicists. However, one of the mysteries that persists to intrigue researchers is the explanation for what dark matter is, but could...