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Quantum Magnonics
Motivated by recent observations of highly coherent magnons in special systems and geometries, the role of coherent magnons in quantum coherent systems is under intense investigation. Quantum magnonics is the field of manipulation and control of magnons based on structural or field-dependent features, as well as the probing of countable numbers of magnons in quantum systems. For example, cooling of a magnon mode to well below a thermodynamically accessible temperature, or the generation of magnon lasing. Central to our program are access to individual quanta of spin waves and coupling to other coherent systems, which may be sources or elements of hybrid quantum systems. These include optical cavities, superconducting systems, microwave resonators, and localized spin systems in solids, such as spin centers in diamond or silicon carbide. New questions have been raised, including the limits of magnon coherence, the limits on the strength of magnon coupling to other quantum systems, and the potential to realize features from other quantum systems (squeezed states, teleportation) within the magnon system. Within the last four years these effects have been seen in a wide variety of new materials and systems, especially as the field has focused on reducing sources of noise. These include novel garnet growth, novel organic magnets as well as antiferromagnetic oxides. This long-term workshop will be one of the first with this focus (the first that is theory-focused specifically), and will help coordinate the attention of the community on central questions to guide research in years to come.
Registration information will soon be available on this webpage.
The program consists of the following 2 weeks, each kicked off with an in-depth pedagogical tutorial, an experimental overview by a leading expert, and a focused mini-workshop composed of invited technical talks on Monday/Tuesday.
- week 1: Spin dynamics in ferromagnetic insulators, geometric control of magnon properties, synthetic ferrimagnets, magnonic crystals, condensation of magnons, superradiance, superfluidity [this week focuses on the microwave properties of the magnetic system itself, and the coherent/quantum features that can be realized therein]
- week 2: Coherent coupling between magnons and other quantum systems: localized spin systems and superconductors; optical couplings to magnons; coherent Brillouin scattering, optomagnonics, cavity coupling. [this week focuses on the role magnons provide as small footprint coherent low-loss oscillators for nonlinear Properties].
The rest of each week will be fully devoted to informal presentations by the participants, discussions, and collaborations. There will be two poster sessions each week during the workshop to enhance interaction.
Speakers - TBA.