New likelihoods for shape analysis

Published | 2015 | Int. J. Mod. Phys. A Vol. 30 (2015) 1550039
Sylvain Fichet

Dynamical patterns of phase transformations from self-trapping of quantum excitons

Published | 2015 | Physica B: Condensed Matter - 460, March 01, 2015
Tianyou Yi
Natasha Kirova
Serguei Brazovski
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques - CNRS, University Paris-Sud 11

Critical dynamics and domain motion from permittivity of the electronic ferroelectric (TMTTF)2AsF6

Published | 2015 | Physica B: Condensed Matter - 460, March, 01, 2015
Serguei Brazovski
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques - CNRS, University Paris-Sud 11
Pierre Monceau
Felix Ya. Nad

Thermodynamics of the topological Kondo model

Published | 2015 | Nucl. Phys. B896, 52-79 (2015)
Francesco Buccheri
Heinrich-Heine University Dusseldorf
Hrachya Babujian
Yerevan Physics Institute
Pasquale Sodano