Entropic Nonsignaling Correlations

Published | 2016 | Phys. Rev. Lett. - 116, June 13, 2016
Rafael Chaves
International Institute of Physics, UFRN, Natal, Brazil
Costantino Budroni
University of Siegen

Kerr-de Sitter greybody factors via isomonodromy

Published | 2016 | Phys. Rev. D - 93, January 26, 2016

Stochastic Laplacian growth

Published | 2016 | Phys. Rev. E - 94, December 19, 2016
Oleg Alekseev
Mark Mineev-Weinstein
International Institute of Physics

Demystifying the holographic mystique: A critical review

Published | 2016 | Lith. J. Phys. - 56, October 17, 2016