Nonequilibrium thermodynamics with binary quantum correlations

Published | 2017 | Phys. Rev. E - 96, September 06, 2017

Handling Handles I: Nonplanar Integrability

Preprints | 2017 |
Thiago Fleury
Shota Komatsu
Pedro Vieira
Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada

A review on quantum search algorithms

Published | 2017 | Quantum Inf Process - 16, December 13, 2017

Does a generalized Chaplygin gas correctly describe the cosmological dark sector?

Published | 2017 | Physics of the Dark Universe - 15, (2017) 114

Critical point in the phase diagram of primordial quark-gluon matter from black hole physics

Published | 2017 | Phys. Rev. D - 96, November 28, 2017
Jorge Noronha
Universidade de São Paulo
Romulo Rougemont