Professor Sidarta Ribeiro presents the second part of his colloquium "Dreams, Memories and Madness" in the IIP

Published Tue, Jun 17, 2014
The Director of the Brain Institute in Natal, Professor Sidarta Ribeiro, presented on June 10 the second part of the colloquium ``Dreams, Memories and Madness´´, in which the scientist approached the importance of sleep and dreams in the consolidation and structuring of memories, as well as in...

IIP Host Colloquia this Tuesday

Published Mon, Jun 09, 2014
On this Tuesday, June 10, the International Institute of Physics will host special colloquia with Professors Sidarta Ribeiro, at the IIP´s seminar room and the other with Professor David K. Campbell, at the Auditorium of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of the Federal...

Proton's magnetism measured with greatest precision yet

Published Thu, Jun 05, 2014
In an attempt to solve the mystery of the Universe´s missing antimatter, physicists have achieved the most precise measurement yet of the proton´s inherent magnetism. Publishing in Nature on 28 May, a group of researchers has mastered a technique to measure the magnetic moment of a proton —...

Tetraquarks existence confirmed in the LHC

Published Mon, Jun 02, 2014
Scientists in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), in the Franco-Swiss border, have confirmed few weeks ago the existence of the tetraquark particle and may have discovered a new form of matter. Named as provocative particle Z(4430), the idea was first postulated by physicists in Japan, after the...

Work schedule for the IIP during the FIFA World Cup in Brazil

Published Fri, May 30, 2014
Because of the FIFA World Cup, many host cities in Brazil will operate with special calendars due to possible major increase of traffic jams. Public institutions such as UFRN will not open during those days. Therefore, following the University’s calendar, the IIP will be closed during the...

Professor Sidarta Ribeiro presents colloquium Dream, Memory and Madness in the IIP

Published Thu, May 22, 2014
The International Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (IIP-UFRN) received last May 20 the neuroscientist Sidarta Ribeiro, director of the UFRN´s Brain Institute, a Latin American reference in research and innovation. On the occasion, Professor Ribeiro presented...