IIP Distinguished Professor is awarded

Published Fri, May 29, 2015
Professor Lev Bulaevskii, former member of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA) and Distinguished professor of the IIP, was awarded with the 2015 Abrikosov Prize in Vortex Physics, in recognition for his pioneering work on "concepts describing equilibrium and dynamic states of vortex matter in...

Thesis advised by IIP Professor to be defended this Friday

Published Wed, May 20, 2015
This Friday, May 22, the UFRN’s Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (DFTE) will host the thesis defense of the Doctorate student Madson Rubem Silva. His research work was done under the supervision of the IIP Professor Dmitry Melnikov and is titled “Black Holes, AdS-BCFT and...

4 Tenure-track Professor positions in Theoretical Physics

Published Tue, May 19, 2015
The International Institute of Physics (IIP) invites applications for up to 4 tenure-track Professor positions in any area of Theoretical Physics.Currently, the gross annual salary for these positions is BRL 226.599,62.Interested applicants must submit the following information by August 14,...

Workshop on Quantum Fields and IR Issues in de Sitter Space to be hosted by the IIP-UFRN

Published Mon, May 18, 2015
During the month of July the IIP-UFRN will host a two week international workshop “Quantum Fields and IR Issues in de Sitter Space”. The event will be focused on different views on the problems of quantum field theory in de Sitter Space and is expected to contain an overview of the...

Pioneer Brazilian researcher dies at the age of 89

Published Mon, May 11, 2015
Brazilian physicist and former researcher at the CBPF, Neusa Amato, passed away at the age of 89 last week. She was a pioneer for women in science in Brazil and author of CBPF’s first scientific publication. Professor Amato retired in 1996, after dedicating 51 years of work to the research in...

Workshop and Symposium on DMRG to be hosted by the IIP-UFRN in June

Published Tue, May 05, 2015
Created by Steve White in 1992, the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) method has revolutionized the study of interacting systems in low-dimensions and was rapidly adapted by the numerical many body methods groups around the globe. Discussions on this subject and other related ones...