'Quantum' bounds not so quantum after all

Published Thu, Jul 07, 2016
With information from Phjysics.org Usually found in quantum experiments, quantum bounds are now being described in purely classical experiments, as a research recently published at Physical Review Letters points out. The work suggests that “attempts to define quantumness should not be...

Neutrinos hint at why antimatter didn’t blow up the universe

Published Tue, Jul 05, 2016
It could all have been so different. When matter first formed in the universe, our current theories suggest that it should have been accompanied by an equal amount of antimatter – a conclusion we know must be wrong, because we wouldn’t be here if it were true. Now the latest results...

Disputed dark-matter result gets put to the test

Published Fri, Jul 01, 2016
Despite nearly two decades of scrutiny, nobody has yet explained away—or confirmed—DAMA’s claim of detecting the elusive matter. If the leading hypothesis is right, dark matter consists of particles that interact only through gravity and the weak force. Billions of those weakly...

Colloquium at the DFTE

Published Tue, Jun 28, 2016
The Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of UFRN (DFTE) will host this wednesday, June 29, at 10:30 a.m. a colloquium by Professor Marcio Miranda, from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). The colloquium “Optical Metrology and Frequency Combs” will be...

IIP host special lecture on Gravitational Waves

Published Mon, Jun 27, 2016
The International Institute of Physics (IIP-UFRN) will host next June 05 a special lecture given by Professor Riccardo Sturani, member of the LIGO project (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory). This activity will be open to the local scientific community, specially to the...

Workshop on Quantum Non-Equilibrium at IIP

Published Tue, Jun 21, 2016
The IIP hosted from June 06 to 18 the workshop “Quantum Non-Equilibrium Phenomena”, dedicated to present the latest achievements of theoretical and experimental physicist in this field. During the two weeks of the event, scientists from different institutions in 18 countries discussed...