Workshop "Topology Matters" from the Johannes Gutenberg University

Published Thu, Mar 02, 2017
The Johannes Gutenberg University will host from July 25 to 28 the SPICE-Workshop “Topology Matters", in Mainz, Germany. The workshop "Topology Matters" aims to bring together the top scientists in the fields of spintronics, superconductivity, topological insulators, and multiferroics, to...

New method uses heat flow to levitate variety of objects

Published Thu, Feb 16, 2017
Although scientists have been able to levitate specific types of material, a pair of UChicago undergraduate physics students helped take the science to a new level. Third-year Frankie Fung and fourth-year Mykhaylo Usatyuk led a team of UChicago researchers who demonstrated how to levitate a...

Metallic hydrogen, once theory, becomes reality

Published Mon, Jan 30, 2017
Nearly a century after it was theorized, Harvard scientists have succeeded in creating the rarest - and potentially one of the most valuable - materials on the planet. The material - atomic metallic hydrogen - was created by Thomas D. Cabot Professor of the Natural Sciences Isaac Silvera and...

Workshop Collective Spin Transport in Electrical Insulators

Published Wed, Jan 25, 2017
From May 02 to 26, the International Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (IIP-UFRN) will host in Natal (Brazil) the workshop “Collective Spin Transport in Electrical Insulators”, when researchers from different countries will discuss the latest...

Post-Doctoral Position in Statistical Mechanics at IFSC-USP

Published Tue, Jan 17, 2017
Two post-doctoral positions are available at the Group of Statistical Mechanics of the São Carlos Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo. The positions  are funded by FAPESP (a São Paulo State agency) to the project: Quantum Spin Chain, coordinated by Francisco C....

Phase transition discovery opens the door to new electronics

Published Mon, Jan 16, 2017
A group of European scientists led by researchers at TU Delft has discovered how phase transitions propagate throughout materials called nickelates. The discovery improves our understanding of these novel materials, which can potentially be used in future electronics. When boiling water, you have...