Quantum weirdness alters basic cause-effect relations

Published Tue, Dec 12, 2017
Why do things happen? What causes Nature to behave the way we observe it to? These are among the most fundamental questions in science and philosophy. If interventions are available, one can modify a system, observe the effects of such modifications, and, from those effects, infer cause-effect...

IIP researcher receives international award for his researches

Published Thu, Dec 07, 2017
Professor Rodrigo Pereira, from the IIP, was one of the 20 scientists honored with the 2017 “Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Awards, presented to researchers who completed their doctorates less than 18 years ago and who in the future are expected to continue producing cutting-edge...

UFRN researcher publishes paper about new quantum technologies

Published Thu, Dec 07, 2017
Cooperation between researchers from three countries is paving the way to make the atoms manipulation and the control of its forces of interaction easier. The project, that was developed with the collaboration of Professor Tommaso Macri (IIP and Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics...

Postdoctoral fellow opportunity for Brazilians at the Weizmann Institute of Science

Published Thu, Nov 30, 2017
The Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS) in Israel is receiving applications for a postdoctoral fellowship program devoted exclusively to Brazilian citizens or researchers with residency in Brazil. This program is sponsored by the “Morá Miriam Rozen Gerber Fellowship Fund” and has...

The Enrico Fermi Lecture Series in Theoretical, Computational and Experimental

Published Mon, Nov 27, 2017
The IIP will host this Monday, December 27, the first ever presentation for the “Enrico Fermi Lecture Series in Theoretical, Computational and Experimental”, a joint initiative between the IIP and the DFTE-UFRN. The project intends to promote up to date research topics from the tree...

LIGO presents new detection

Published Thu, Nov 16, 2017
After the first 2 detections of binary black hole mergers were made by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) during its first observing run (O1) in 2015, LIGO undertook a second observing run (O2) from November 30, 2016 to August 25, 2017, with the Advanced Virgo...