IIP working hours during the COVID-19 quarantine

Published Fri, Mar 20, 2020
Following the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and considering the suspension of all academic activities at UFRN caused by the pandemic of COVID-19, we announce that IIP's administrative staff will not be in the building during the pandemic. As previously communicated by UFRN and...

Postdoctoral positions in the quantum information group at IIP-UFRN

Published Mon, Mar 16, 2020
The IIP-UFRN opens a call for postdoctoral positions in the quantum information group led by Prof. Rafael Chaves, offering a competitive salary and travel budget, via the Grant Q-CAUSAL No. 61084 from John  Templeton Foundation and as part of the UFRN-FUNPEC project number 92017. The selected...

Workshop Quantum Magnonics postponed

Published Wed, Mar 11, 2020
Over the past days, we received a number of cancellation requests from invited speakers due to the escalation of the COVID-19 in several countries of the world. To ensure we are taking the necessary precautionary measures to protect the health and well-being of the workshop “Quantum...


Published Wed, Mar 11, 2020
Over the past days, we received a number of cancellation requests from invited speakers due to the escalation of the COVID-19 in several countries of the world. To ensure we are taking the necessary precautionary measures to protect the health and well-being of “The Frontiers of...

IIP researcher receives award from Serrapilheira Institute

Published Thu, Feb 27, 2020
After a year and a half of the announcement of its first selection Serrapilheira Institute released last Thursday, February 20, the names of the three scientists who will receive a financing of R$ 1 million each, for the development of new scientific projects. Professors Bruno Mota and Mario...

Workshop on Quantum Magnonics

Published Thu, Feb 06, 2020
From May 11 to 29, 2020, IIP will host the workshop “Quantum Magnonics” in Natal (Brazil), when scientists will discuss a large variety of topics related to the study of manipulation and the control of magnons based on structural or field-dependent features and magnons in quantum...