IIP-UFRN researcher is selected in the second Scientific Call of Scientific Research of Serrapilheira Institute

Published Fri, May 03, 2019
Serrapilheira Institute announced the names of those selected for the second Public Call for Scientific Research, which will contemplate 24 researchers from Brazil with a funding line of R$ 100,000 to develop projects over a period of one year. Among the research proposals chosen were that of...

House of Representatives awards researcher at the International Institute of Physics of UFRN

Published Wed, Mar 20, 2019
This Tuesday, March 19, the House of Representatives held the solemnity of delivery of the Mietta Santiago Medal, a celebration honoring initiatives related to women's rights. In 2019, five women received the award, among them, Dr. Gabriela Barreto Lemos, a scientist at the International...

IIF hosts 2019 IAC meeting

Published Mon, Mar 18, 2019
This Monday, March 18, the International Advisory Council (IAC) of the International Institute of Physics of UFRN arrives in Natal for its annual meeting, which will evaluate the results achieved by the IIP during the year 2018 and establish its academic schedule for 2020, year in which the...

Postdoctoral fellowship opportunity for a Brazilian postdoctoral fellow at the WIS - DEADLINE EXTENDED

Published Thu, Feb 07, 2019
**DEADLINE EXTENDED** Monday, February 25, 2019   CALL for Applications: Postdoctoral fellowship opportunity for a Brazilian postdoctoral fellow at the WIS   Sponsorship The program is sponsored by the Morá Miriam Rozen Gerber fellowship fund.   Funding An annual sum...

IIP-UFRN holds 2nd Workshop on Quantum Information and Thermodynamics in March 2019

Published Mon, Jan 21, 2019
The International Institute of Physics of UFRN will hold the II Workshop on Quantum Information and Thermodynamics. The event will take place in Natal (RN) between March 11 and 22, 2019. With two weeks of presentations and debates it will bring together researchers from Brazil and abroad and focus...

IIP hosts Quantum Retreat from January 21 to 25

Published Sat, Jan 19, 2019
From January 21 to 25 the International Institute of Physics of UFRN (IIP-UFRN) is hosting the “Quantum Retreat”, a special mini-workshop organized by Professor Rafael Chaves in order to gather the IIP Quantum Information Group and collaborators from Brazil and abroad. The program...