Doctoral Students from IIP-UFRN Analyze Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and Long-Lived Particles

Published Mon, Aug 26, 2024
Doctoral students in Particle Physics from the International Institute of Physics at UFRN (IIP-UFRN), Lucia Angel and José Roberto Alves, participated in a study investigating how long-lived particles from dark sectors of the universe might influence the formation of light elements, such as...

TFM Representative to Participate in the 76th Annual Meeting of the SBPC

Published Fri, Jul 12, 2024
Maria Luiza Miguez, Coordinator of the Physics Tournament for Girls (TFM), will be present at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC). Today at 2 PM, Maria Luiza will join Nara Bigolin, Coordinator of the Olympic Girls Movement, and other special...

IIP to Hold Seminar with Specialist in (Super)manifold Geometry

Published Thu, Jul 11, 2024
This Friday, July 12, the IIP-UFRN will host a seminar featuring Professor Elizaveta Vishnyakova, a specialist in (super)manifold geometry and a researcher in the Department of Mathematics at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). The event will start at 11 a.m. and be held in the...

IIP Student Participates in Summer School on Cosmology in Italy

Published Tue, Jul 09, 2024
The Cosmology and Particle Physics student, José Roberto Alves, from the Theoretical and Experimental Department of UFRN (DFTE-UFRN) and a member of the Astroparticle research group at the International Institute of Physics (IIP-UFRN), was selected to participate in two immersive weeks at...

IIP Professor Appointed as Associate Fellow at ICTP-Italy

Published Mon, Jul 08, 2024
Professor Farinaldo Queiroz, IIP research leader of the Particle and Astroparticle research group, has been selected as an Associate Fellow for the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), a research center for physical and mathematical sciences located in Trieste,...

IIP-Education Staff Members Visits the Secretary for Education of the Rio Grande do Norte State Government

Published Wed, Jul 03, 2024
Leading researchers associated with educational programs of the International Institute of Physics (IIP) of UFRN visited the State Secretary of Education and Culture of Rio Grande do Norte last Tuesday, July 2, to discuss the educational and scientific projects focused on high school students and...