Date | Time | Speakers Name | Talk Title |
MondayOctober 15, 2018 |
09:00 am - 10:45 am |
Registration/Openning and welcome coffee |
10:45 am - 12:15 pm |
Fabio Novaes CECs - Valdivia (Chile) |
SUSY-CFT connections. Lecture I |
11:30 am - 02:00 pm |
Lunch |
02:00 pm - 03:30 pm |
Francesco Fucito University of Rome (Italy) |
Perturbation theory and localization for N=2 suspersymmetric theories I |
03:30 pm - 04:00 pm |
Coffee break |
04:00 pm - 05:30 pm |
Francesco Toppan CBPF (Brazil) |
A primer on supersymmetry I |
TuesdayOctober 16, 2018 |
08:45 am - 10:15 am |
Fabio Novaes CECs - Valdivia (Chile) |
SUSY-CFT connections. Lecture II |
10:15 am - 10:45 am |
Coffee break |
10:45 am - 12:15 pm |
Francesco Fucito University of Rome (Italy) |
Perturbation theory and localization for N=2 suspersymmetric theories II |
12:15 pm - 02:00 pm |
Lunch |
02:00 pm - 03:30 pm |
Francesco Toppan CBPF (Brazil) |
A primer on supersymmetry II |
03:30 pm - 04:00 pm |
Coffee break |
04:00 pm - 05:30 pm |
Massimo Bianchi University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy) |
Lectures on D-branes and stringy instantons I |
WednesdayOctober 17, 2018 |
08:45 am - 09:45 am |
Amihay Hanany Imperial College, London (United Kingdom) |
D-branes and Supersymmetry I |
09:45 am - 10:45 am |
Francesco Fucito University of Rome (Italy) |
Perturbation theory and localization for N=2 suspersymmetric theories III |
10:45 am - 06:00 pm |
ThursdayOctober 18, 2018 |
08:45 am - 10:15 am |
Amihay Hanany Imperial College, London (United Kingdom) |
D-branes and Supersymmetry II |
10:00 am - 10:30 am |
Coffee break |
10:45 am - 12:15 pm |
Massimo Bianchi University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy) |
Lectures on D-branes and stringy instantons II |
11:30 am - 02:00 pm |
Lunch |
02:00 pm - 03:30 pm |
Francesco Toppan CBPF (Brazil) |
A primer on supersymmetry III |
03:30 pm - 04:00 pm |
Coffee break |
04:00 pm - 05:00 pm |
Poster Session |
FridayOctober 19, 2018 |
08:45 am - 10:15 am |
Amihay Hanany Imperial College, London (United Kingdom) |
D-branes and Supersymmetry III |
10:00 am - 10:30 am |
Coffee break |
10:45 am - 12:15 pm |
Massimo Bianchi University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy) |
Lectures on D-branes and stringy instantons III |
12:15 pm - 02:30 pm |
Lunch |
02:30 pm - 03:30 pm |
SPECIAL SEMINAR - Non-Abelian T-duality and the AdS/CFT correspondence |
03:30 pm - 04:00 pm |
Coffee break |
MondayOctober 22, 2018 |
09:00 am - 10:00 am |
Antonio Sciarappa Korean Institute for Advanced Study (Korea, South) |
Wilson loops, Wilson surfaces and S-duality |
10:00 am - 10:40 am |
Coffee break |
10:40 am - 11:40 am |
Sergio Benvenuti SISSA (Italy) |
N=1 gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions: dualities and enhanced symmetries |
11:40 am - 02:00 pm |
Lunch |
02:00 pm - 03:00 pm |
Takuya Okuda University of Tokyo (Japan) |
Janus interface in two and four dimensions |
03:00 pm - 03:30 pm |
Coffee break |
03:30 pm - 04:30 pm |
Thiago Fleury IIP-UFRN (Brazil) |
Correlation Function in N=4 super-Yang-Mills and Integrability |
TuesdayOctober 23, 2018 |
09:00 am - 10:00 am |
Ricardo Schiappa University of Lisbon (Portugal) |
Resurgence and Transseries in Gauge and String Theory |
10:00 am - 10:40 am |
Coffee break |
10:30 am - 11:30 am |
Matthew Buican Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom) |
Flowing from 16 to 32 Supercharges |
11:40 am - 02:00 pm |
Lunch |
02:00 pm - 03:00 pm |
Ioannis Papadimitriou Korea Institute for Advanced Study (Korea, South) |
SQFTs on curved backgrounds and supersymmetry anomalies |
03:00 pm - 03:30 pm |
Coffee break |
03:30 pm - 04:30 pm |
Carlos Enrique Flores Federal University of Bahia (Brazil) |
Super-Schwarzian from BF formulation of Jackiw-Teitelboim supergravity |
WednesdayOctober 24, 2018 |
09:00 am - 10:00 am |
Kimyeong Lee Korea Institute for Advanced Study (Korea, South) |
On 5-dim Superconformal Field Theories |
10:00 am - 10:40 am |
Coffee break |
10:40 am - 11:40 am |
Diego Correa National University of La Plata (Argentina) |
Integrable spin chain from non-supersymmetric Wilson loops |
11:40 am - 02:00 pm |
Lunch |
02:00 pm - 03:00 pm |
Jorge Russo ICREA, University of Barcelona (Spain) |
Toda unchained in N=2 superconformal field theories |
03:00 pm - 03:30 pm |
Coffee break |
03:30 pm - 04:30 pm |
Zhanna Kuznetsova Federal University of ABC (Brazil) |
Z2*Z2 color supersymmetry in Lévy-Leblond equation |
07:00 pm - 10:00 pm |
Conference Dinner |
ThursdayOctober 25, 2018 |
09:00 am - 10:00 am |
Francesco Toppan CBPF (Brazil) |
Quasi-non associativity and the exceptional F(4) Susy QM |
10:00 am - 10:40 am |
Coffee break |
10:40 am - 11:40 am |
Guillermo Silva National University of La Plata (Argentina) |
Wilson loops and semiclassical corrections |
11:40 am - 02:00 pm |
Lunch |
02:00 pm - 03:00 pm |
Shuichi Yokoyama Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (Japan) |
Aspects of minimal N = 4 Chern-Simons theories |
03:00 pm - 03:30 pm |
Coffee break |
03:30 pm - 04:30 pm |
Ivan Eugênio da Cunha CBPF (Brazil) |
Deformed quantum (super)conformal oscillators with sl(2|1) and D(2,1; alpha) symmetries |
FridayOctober 26, 2018 |
09:00 am - 10:00 am |
Joseph Minahan Uppsala University (Sweden) |
Maximal super Yang-Mills on spheres |
10:00 am - 10:40 am |
Coffee break |
10:40 am - 11:40 am |
Sergei Gukov California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, USA) () |
Twisted indices in diverse dimensions |
11:40 am - 02:00 pm |
Lunch |
02:00 pm - 03:00 pm |
Konstantin Zarembo Nordita Institute (Sweden) |
Quantum String Corrections to Holographic Wilson Loops |
03:00 pm - 03:30 pm |
Coffee break |
03:30 pm - 04:30 pm |
Sergei Gukov California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, USA) () |
MondayOctober 29, 2018 |
09:00 am - 10:00 am |
Nadav Drukker King's College, London (United Kingdom) |
Deformations of the circular Wilson loop and spectral (in)dependence |
10:00 am - 10:40 am |
Coffee break |
10:40 am - 11:40 am |
Francesco Galvagno University of Turin (Italy) |
Wilson loop correlators in N=2 superconformal gauge theories |
11:40 am - 02:00 pm |
Lunch |
TuesdayOctober 30, 2018 |
09:00 am - 10:00 am |
Davide Cassani University of Padova (Italy) |
Microscopic origin of the entropy of supersymmetric AdS5 black holes |
10:00 am - 10:40 am |
Coffee break |
10:40 am - 11:40 am |
Andrey Mikhaylov Institute of Theoretical Physics - UNESP (Brazil) |
Geometrical point of view on linearized beta-deformation |
11:40 am - 02:00 pm |
Lunch |
WednesdayOctober 31, 2018 |
09:00 am - 10:00 am |
Amihay Hanany Imperial College, London (United Kingdom) |
Higgs branches in six and five dimensions |
10:00 am - 10:40 am |
Coffee break |
10:40 am - 11:40 am |
Alexis Roa Aguirre IFQ - UNIFEI () |
Some aspects on Integrability, Supersymmetry and Defects |
11:40 am - 02:00 pm |
Lunch |
ThursdayNovember 01, 2018 |
09:00 am - 10:00 am |
Gabi Zafrir IPMU - Tokyo University (Japan) |
Compactifications of 6d N = (1,0) SCFTs with non-trivial Stiefel-Whitney classes |
10:00 am - 10:40 am |
Coffee break |
10:40 am - 11:40 am |
Marcus Andre de Carvalho Torres IMPA (Brazil) |
Understanding the moduli of Yang-Mills-Higgs monopoles from Gauss-Manin connection in disguse |
11:40 am - 02:00 pm |
Lunch |
FridayNovember 02, 2018 |
10:00 am - 10:40 am |
Coffee break |
11:40 am - 02:00 pm |
Lunch |